Open-access Root systems of rice and beans in two series of soil in the Paraíba river valley

In this paper are shown the studies of root systems of rice and beans, at the Campo de Pesquisas of the Departamento de Águas e Energia Elétrica, Pindamonhangaba, grown in soils of the series Coruputuba 1 and Quati 1 and irrigated by elevation of the water level. The rice showed 70% of its roots in the first layer up to 5 cm and about 93% in the soil layer up to 10 cm, and the remaining at 75 cm of depth. Ninety-nine per cent of the roots are contained in the soil down to 25 cm. The beans presented 62% of their roots at the first 10 cm of depth and the remaining reached up to 70 cm of depth.

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