Open-access Comportamento de variedades de alface na região de Campinas

Behavior of lettuce varieties in the Campinas area


São apresentados os resultados de ensaio de variedades de alface pertencentes a diferentes tipos. Além da produtividade e qualidade do produto, o trabalho visou verificar o comportamento das variedades nas condições de temperaturas elevadas reinantes em agôsto-outubro, fim do período cultural recomendável nas condições do planalto paulista. A variedade "Great Lakes" superou enormemente as demais em produtividade e tipo das cabeças. A "Maravilla de las Cuatro Estaciones", a segunda colocada, revelou grande tolerância ao calor.

Results are presented hereunder concerning a trial installed in Campinas, in which no less than 8 varieties of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.), belonging to different types, were tried. The main purpose of the trial was to verify which were the best varieties considering productivity and quality. An attempt was made to determine equally the behavior of the varieties in regard to temperatures existing in the period, in plantings carried out in August-October, this being the limit recommended for the conditions of the S. Paulo plateau. In this period the mean monthly temperatures of the air were 19.2°C, 22.6°C and 21.2ºC, for the months of August, September and October, respectively. From the results obtained it can be seen that variety Great Lakes-118 1-2912, belonging to the Crisp-head type, outdid all of the others in yield, size of plants and formation of heads. The Maravilla de Las Cuatro Estaciones I-2866 ranked second in yield, revealing that it stood warm weather fairly well, as it proved with the formation of good heads. This variety belongs to the Butter-head type, however with the external leaves consistent and of brownish tint. The varieties of Leaf and of the Cos or Romaine types, as B. S. Simpson 1-2391 and Romana Branca 1-2038, were excelled by the foregoing in yield and quality. The same was observed with the Gigante I-1797 and Piracicaba I-2575 varieties, which belong to the Butter-head type. The least productive ones were White Boston 1-2896 and Shimabukuro 1-2673, also belonging to the Butter-head type. The White Boston is the tenderest and most delicate of them all and of the most commercial demand of the S. Paulo market as well.

Comportamento de variedades de alface na região de Campinas1,2

Behavior of lettuce varieties in the Campinas area

José Botter BernardiI; Toshio IgueII

IEngenheiro-agrônomo, Seção de Olericultura

IIEngenheiro-agrônomo, Seção de Técnica Experimental, Instituto Agronômico


São apresentados os resultados de ensaio de variedades de alface pertencentes a diferentes tipos.

Além da produtividade e qualidade do produto, o trabalho visou verificar o comportamento das variedades nas condições de temperaturas elevadas reinantes em agôsto-outubro, fim do período cultural recomendável nas condições do planalto paulista.

A variedade "Great Lakes" superou enormemente as demais em produtividade e tipo das cabeças. A "Maravilla de las Cuatro Estaciones", a segunda colocada, revelou grande tolerância ao calor.


Results are presented hereunder concerning a trial installed in Campinas, in which no less than 8 varieties of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.), belonging to different types, were tried.

The main purpose of the trial was to verify which were the best varieties considering productivity and quality. An attempt was made to determine equally the behavior of the varieties in regard to temperatures existing in the period, in plantings carried out in August-October, this being the limit recommended for the conditions of the S. Paulo plateau.

In this period the mean monthly temperatures of the air were 19.2°C, 22.6°C and 21.2ºC, for the months of August, September and October, respectively.

From the results obtained it can be seen that variety Great Lakes-118 1-2912, belonging to the Crisp-head type, outdid all of the others in yield, size of plants and formation of heads. The Maravilla de Las Cuatro Estaciones I-2866 ranked second in yield, revealing that it stood warm weather fairly well, as it proved with the formation of good heads. This variety belongs to the Butter-head type, however with the external leaves consistent and of brownish tint.

The varieties of Leaf and of the Cos or Romaine types, as B. S. Simpson 1-2391 and Romana Branca 1-2038, were excelled by the foregoing in yield and quality. The same was observed with the Gigante I-1797 and Piracicaba I-2575 varieties, which belong to the Butter-head type.

The least productive ones were White Boston 1-2896 and Shimabukuro 1-2673, also belonging to the Butter-head type. The White Boston is the tenderest and most delicate of them all and of the most commercial demand of the S. Paulo market as well.

Texto completo disponível apenas em PDF.

Full text available only in PDF format.


Recebido para publicação em 12 de maio de 1967.

Referências bibliográficas

  • 1. BERNARDI, JOSÉ BOTTER. Instruçőes para a cultura da alface. Campinas, Instituto Agronômico, 1956. 8p. (Boletim 76)
  • 2. KNOTT, JAMES EDWARD. Handbook for vegetable growers. New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1957. 238p.
  • 3 ________. Palestras sôbre horticultura proferidas na Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz". São Paulo, Universidade, 1951. p.1-32.
  • 4. Resumo dos dados meteorológicos de Campinas - Agôsto e Setembro de 1965. Agronômico, 17(9/10):55-60, 1965.
  • 5. Resumo dos dados meteorológicos de Campinas - Outubro de 1965. Agronômico, 17(11/12):35-40, 1965.
  • 1
    Trabalho apresentado na VI Reunião Anual da Sociedade de Olericultura do Brasil, realizada em Campinas, S.P., de 17 a 23 de julho de 1966.
  • 2
    A FAPESP colaborou na obtenção dos dados experimentais.
  • Datas de Publicação

    • Publicação nesta coleção
      24 Mar 2009
    • Data do Fascículo
      Jan 1967


    • Recebido
      12 Maio 1967
    Instituto Agronômico de Campinas Avenida Barão de Itapura, 1481, 13020-902, Tel.: +55 19 2137-0653, Fax: +55 19 2137-0666 - Campinas - SP - Brazil
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