Open-access Coffee cup quality - cup quality variabiltty in the Icatu cultivar

Cup quality determination was undertaken for a group of coffee seed samples of interespecific (Coffea arabica x C. canephora) trees, which gave rise to the Icatu cultivar and also for nine Icatu coffee populations. The original hybrid plants showed cup quality similar to the Arabica control, with exception of one single plant which gave lower quality. For these populations a total of 1953 cup quality determinations were made by three independent coffee drinker experts. Two scale ranking from 0-5 and 1-10 were used for the evaluation. It was verified that the average grades of each one of the nine Icatu populations did not differ from the Arabica. In the scale (0-5) the grade "Hard" occurred in 63 determinations (3.2%) an the "Soft" cup quality in 1324 determinations (67.8%). In the 10 points scale 3 points were attributed to nine determinations (0.5%) and 9 points to 677 (34.6%) determinations. The H 3849-7, H 3851-4. H 4782-7 Icatu populations presented the higher graded cup quality and H 3849-14-2 and H 3849-14-3, the lowest ones. The cup quality variability and occurrence of individual selected plants with high cup quality similar to the Arabica used as control pointed out the possibility of using the Icatu cultivar for commercial planting.

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