Open-access Physiological changes and in the carbohydrate content of sunflower plants submitted to sub-doses of glyphosate and trinexapac-ethyl


The maturing of drift used in the culture of sugar cane can have harmful effects on other crops grown in the vicinity of sugar cane plantations. Among these, sunflower grown in the off-season can have its growth and productivity affected by drift. The objective of this research was to evaluate whether the drift of trinexapac-ethyl and glyphosate promotes changes in the photosynthetic metabolism of sunflower plants. Two trials were carried out to evaluate the effects of these products on gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence, chloroplastid pigments, membrane permeability, sugar content, as well as shikimic acid and malondialdehyde concentration in the treated plants. In the first experiment, we tested glyphosate in doses of 0 (control); 3.6; 7.2; 14.4; 28.8; and 86.4 g a.e.∙ha−1 and in the second, trinexapac-ethyl at doses of 0 (control) 3.12; 6.25; 12.50; 25, and 75 g a.i.∙ha−1. The growth regulator trinexapac-ethyl did not change the photosynthetic metabolism of plants. However, glyphosate caused damage to the photosynthetic apparatus and a reduction in the carbohydrate concentration and chloroplastid pigments, with casual damage to cell membranes; these effect were more intense at increased doses. The effects of glyphosate were evidenced by the increased concentration of shikimic acid, derived from its mechanism of action. Concludes that, the photosynthetic metabolism of sunflower plants is not affected by the growth regulator trinexapac-ethyl, unlike to the evident effects after application of glyphosate.

Key words gibberellin; EPSPs; photosystem II; photochemical efficiency

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