Open-access Evaluation of japanese cucumber experimental lines and hybrids under protected cultivation

The objective of this work was to evaluate japanese cucumber experimental lines and hybrids under protected cultivation. 32 treatments (18 experimental hybrids, 12 lines and two commercial hybrids: Tsuyataro and Yoshinari) were evaluated at randomized blocks design, with 4 replicates and 4 plants per plot. The following characteristics were evaluated: total and commercial fruit number; rate of commercial fruits; fruit length (L), diameter (D) and L/D rate. Treatment means were compared by Scott-Knot (5%) test and hybrids heterosis over parentals means and over superior parental were estimated. There were experimental hybrids as productive as commercial ones, and, in general, lines were less yielding than hybrids. In general, heterosis for fruit number were positive and high, while heterosis for fruit characteristics were of lesser values.

Cucumis sativus; breeding; yield

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