Open-access Procedure to select superior maize populations for inbred line extraction

The identification of the population with greatest potential for inbred line extraction is directly linked to the success of a maize hybrid breeding program. This study was carried out to identify procedures for selecting these populations. Segregant S0, S1 populations and 196 S0:1 families were obtained from each of four commercial cultivars assessed: single hybrids (C 333B and Z8392), double hybrid (AG 1051) and variety (BR-105). The experiments were carried out during the 1998/99 season, in two locations in the southern region of Minas Gerais State, Brazil: Lavras and Ijaci. A 14 x 14 simple lattice design was used in the assessment of the 196 S0:1 families from each population. A randomized complete blocks design with four replications experiment was also set up to assess, simultaneously, the F1, S0 and S1 generations. The husked ear yield (kg/plot) of the F1, S0 and S1 generations was obtained and the contribution of the homozygous locos (m + a) and heterozygous locos (d) were estimated. The genetic and phenotypic parameters were also estimated using the S0:1 family experiments. A high correlation (r = 0.81) between the (m + a) estimate and the S0:1 family mean was observed. The AG 1051 population showed the greatest potential for line extraction, i.e., greatest (m + a) value. The correlation between the d and h² estimates was low, indicating that the estimate of the contribution of the heterozygous locos was not a good indicator of the potential variability of the population.

maize; line; endogamy depression; m + a; variability; populations

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