Open-access Uma nova espécie de Mononchus (Nematoda, Mononchidae)


This communication describes a new species of Mononchus which was found at the Experimental Station of Monte Alegre (Ibiti), State of São Paulo. Species of Mononchus are of interest because they are believed to be predators of other nematoids. The predatory habit of the new species was observed in the laboratory. Assuming that its behaviour is the same in the field, we may consider the species as an ally of man in controlling populations of nematoids in the soil. M. ibitiensis differs from its nearest related species M. muscorum by its smaller pharynx ; by smaller dortooth, opposited by four ribs, each of which has six denticles and by the presence of three caudal glands connected with a pore without valve.

Uma nova espécie de Mononchus (Nematoda, Mononchidae)

Jair Correia de Carvalho (1)

Engenheiro agrônomo, Secção de Assistência Fitossanitária, Instituto Biológico, São Paulo (2)


This communication describes a new species of Mononchus which was found at the Experimental Station of Monte Alegre (Ibiti), State of São Paulo. Species of Mononchus are of interest because they are believed to be predators of other nematoids. The predatory habit of the new species was observed in the laboratory. Assuming that its behaviour is the same in the field, we may consider the species as an ally of man in controlling populations of nematoids in the soil.

M. ibitiensis differs from its nearest related species M. muscorum by its smaller pharynx ; by smaller dortooth, opposited by four ribs, each of which has six denticles and by the presence of three caudal glands connected with a pore without valve.

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Referências bibliográficas

  • 1. Cobb, N. A.Em Contributions to a Science of Nematology, pág. 129-187. fig. 1-75, Williams & Wilkins Co. 1914-1935.
  • (1
    ) Expressamos aqui nossos agradecimentos ao Dr. G. Steiner, principal nematologista, Divisão de Nematologia do Dep. de Agricultura dos EE. UU., pelo carinhoso e indispensável auxílio com que nos honrou em tôda a elaboração do presente trabalho. Os nossos agradecimentos são extensivos ao Dr. C. A. Krug, diretor do Instituto Agronômico de Campinas, que nos permitiu a realização dêstes estudos em seus laboratórios, e ao Prof. Salvador de T. Piza, pela diagnose em latim. Somos gratos também ao Sr. W. Fera e Lino Dorelli, desenhistas, pelo auxílio que nos prestaram.
  • (2
    ) Trabalho realizado no Instituto Agronômico de Campinas, sob os auspícios do Fundo de Pesquisas.
  • Datas de Publicação

    • Publicação nesta coleção
      25 Maio 2010
    • Data do Fascículo
      Mar 1951
    Instituto Agronômico de Campinas Avenida Barão de Itapura, 1481, 13020-902, Tel.: +55 19 2137-0653, Fax: +55 19 2137-0666 - Campinas - SP - Brazil
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