Open-access Quality variation of olive oil in olive cultivars

Olive tree (Olea europaea L.) grown in south Minas Gerais State has shown promising results for fruit yield. However, little is still known about the fruit nutritional value and oil quality for those potentially productive cultivars. The objective of this work was to determine fruit centesimal composition, chemical characteristics, and the fatty acids profile of oils extracted from different olive tree cultivars to select the ones with improved agro-industrial potential. We assessed 32 six-year-old olive cultivars for the centesimal composition (moisture, lipids, proteins, and ash content, both in flesh and stone fruits), chemical composition, and fatty acid profiles. The cultivars MGS ACS315, Cerignola, MGS GRAP561, and MGS GRAP575 showed higher lipid content. Besides, these results indicated that the fruit core showed significant lipid amounts, although lower than those present in the pulp. The index results of oleic acid, peroxides, and absolute refraction are in agreement with ANVISA resolution and initially may be classified as virgin or extra virgin oil. In general, all fatty acids present in the olive oil tested had satisfactory values and the MGS GRAP084 cultivar had the highest content of oleic acid, the main fatty acid responsible for health benefits.

Olea europaea L.; acidity; fatty acid; oleic acid

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