Open-access Participation of main stem and tillers in irrigated rice yield at different seeding densities

This study aimed to evaluate the participation of the main stem and tillers of cv. IAC 102 rice in grain productivity, under flood irrigation, as a function of seeding density. The experiment was conducted under a plastic tunnel at FCA/UNESP-Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil, in 500-L capacity asbestos cement-water tanks containing a 30 cm layer of a Typic Udifluvent soil. The experimental design was a completely randomized setup, with four replicates. Seeding densities were 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, and 600 viable seeds per m², in four 1m-long rows per tank, spaced at 20 cm. Tillering decreased as seeding density increased, with greater participation of the main stems; however, this did not result in increased yield, due to the plasticity shown by rice plants, which yield components to adjust accordingly.

Oryza sativa; yield components; flood-irrigated rice; physiology of production

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