Open-access Tocantins (IAC-23) and Tucuruí (IAC-24): new wheat cultivars

The wheat cultivars Tocantins (IAC-23) and Tucuruí (IAC-24) were obtained by hybridization and screened by the pedigree method from the segregating generations. These genotypes were evaluated for grain yield and resistance to stem and leaf rusts in several experiments carried out in different locations, with and without irrigation, in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, in the period 1980-85. They were also evaluated in relation to industrial qualities for bread production. In upland condition, the cultivars Tocantins and Tucuruí did not differ in grain yield from the control cultivars Anahuac. 'Tucuruí' differed from 'Anahuac' in the irrigated experiments carried out in acid soils. Under these conditions Tucuruí cultivars produced 2,842 and the Anahuac 2,421 kg/ha. 'Tucuruí', a semidwarf type, showed tolerance to 10 mg/l of Al in nutrient solution. 'Tocantins' presented susceptibility to 6 mg/l, in the same conditions. The new cultivars were moderately susceptible to leaf rust infection and showed low levels of stem rust infection like the cultivars Anahuac. 'Tucuruí' exhibited better bread qualities than the used commercial wheat flour and presented a little superior performance when compared with 'Tocantins'.

upland and irrigated conditions; grain yield; rust resistance; physiological rust races; bread qualities

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