Open-access Clover tree: seed characteristics and their effects on germination and seedling development

Seeds of clove tree (Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr. et Perry) were separated by size, density and color. Germination, emergence, and seedling growth were determined on each fraction under laboratory and nursery conditions. Larger seeds (2.49g/seed) had superior germination, emergence and speed index than smaller ones. Seedlings from larger seeds were 30% taller and their main roots lenght were 30% longer when compared to seedlings from the smaller seeds (1.33g/seed). Light colored seeds (imature) were inferior in all the studied aspects compared to dark colored ones. Lighter weight seeds showed similar results in emergence and seedling growth compared to the heavier fraction. Small and light colored seeds should not be recommended for sowing.

clove; Syzygium aromaticum seeds; germination; emergence and seedling growth

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