Open-access Descoloração em fôlhas de cafeeiro, causada pelo frio

Discoloration of coffee leaves caused by low temperatures


Submetendo-se cafeeiros novos à ação de temperaturas baixas, pouco acima de zero, determinadas fôlhas apresentaram áreas despigmentadas, de forma e extensão variáveis. Êstes sintomas se assemelham muito aos que ocorrem em certas ocasiões nas culturas, o que sugere que a temperatura muito baixa de algumas noites de inverno seja a causa dessa ocorrência.

Coffee plants growing in the field may sometimes exhibit a peculiar type of whitish or yellowish discoloration in pairs of leaves of the same age. The discolored areas are not uniform throughout the affected leaves, and in less severe cases only a strip along the leaf margins shows the symptoms. Leaves severely affected are usually smaller than normal, and may become mottled and distorted. Symptoms identical to those observed in the field were reproduced when coffee seedlings were submitted to low temperatures in the laboratory. Treatment for six hours at 3°C was enough to induce leaf discoloration, but it was noticed that conditions to which the plants had been submitted on the day prior to treatment had some influence on symptom expression. Severity of symptoms seems to be increased when coffee seedlings were treated after a clear sunny day.

Descoloração em fôlhas de cafeeiro, causada pelo frio

Discoloration of coffee leaves caused by low temperatures

Coaracy M. Franco

Engenheiro-agrônomo, Divisão ãe Biologia, Instituto Agronômico


Submetendo-se cafeeiros novos à ação de temperaturas baixas, pouco acima de zero, determinadas fôlhas apresentaram áreas despigmentadas, de forma e extensão variáveis. Êstes sintomas se assemelham muito aos que ocorrem em certas ocasiões nas culturas, o que sugere que a temperatura muito baixa de algumas noites de inverno seja a causa dessa ocorrência.


Coffee plants growing in the field may sometimes exhibit a peculiar type of whitish or yellowish discoloration in pairs of leaves of the same age. The discolored areas are not uniform throughout the affected leaves, and in less severe cases only a strip along the leaf margins shows the symptoms. Leaves severely affected are usually smaller than normal, and may become mottled and distorted.

Symptoms identical to those observed in the field were reproduced when coffee seedlings were submitted to low temperatures in the laboratory. Treatment for six hours at 3°C was enough to induce leaf discoloration, but it was noticed that conditions to which the plants had been submitted on the day prior to treatment had some influence on symptom expression. Severity of symptoms seems to be increased when coffee seedlings were treated after a clear sunny day.

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Recebido para publicação em 17 de dezembro de 1955.

Referências bibliográficas

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  • 4.  FRANCO, C. M. Nota preliminar sôbre o efeito de temperatura baixa no cafeeiro. In Congresso Nacional da Sociedade Botânica do Brasil, 4.°, Recife, 1953. Anais. p. 250-251.
  • 5.  JONES, L. R. Relation of soil temperature to chlorosis of Gardenia. J. agric. Res. 57:611-621. 1938.
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  • 7.  KIESSLING, L. Einige besondere Fälle von chlorophylldefekten Gersten. Z. indukt. Abstamm. -u. VererbLehre 19:[?]. 1918. [Original não consultado; extraído de Rosen (9)]
  • 8.  MOLISCH, H. Das erfrieren von Pflanzen bei Temperaturen über dem Eispunkt. S. B. Akad. Wiss. Wien. Abt. I. 105:82-96. 1896. [Original não consultado; extraído de Sellschop & Salmon (10)]
  • 9.  ROSÉN, D. Geum urbanum L. x G. rivale L. Weitere Untersuchungen Über eine Form, derem Blätter durch Kälte weissbunt werden. Hereditas 20:331-338. 1935.
  • 10.  SELLSCHOP, J. P. F. & SALMON, S. C. The influence of chilling above the freezing point, on certain crop plants. J. agric. Res. 37:315-338. 1928.

Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    12 Maio 2010
  • Data do Fascículo


  • Recebido
    17 Dez 1955
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