Open-access Productivity of 'Aurora-1' peach trees as affected by spacing and propagation methods of 'Okinawa' rootstock

The present research had the objective of studying the influence of different spaces in-row (6x2 m, 6x3 m and 6x4 m) and propagation methods of 'Okinawa' rootstock (seeds and herbaceous cuttings) in variables related to 'Aurora-1' peach scion production. The trial was carried out at field conditions, in Vista Alegre do Alto, São Paulo State, Brazil, adopting the recommended technologies for peach culture. Evaluations were taken at the 2nd and 3rd years after planting. As conclusions, the propagation methods of 'Okinawa' rootstock did not influence the vegetative and productive characteristics of 'Aurora-1' scion, on both evaluated harvests. The 6x2 m space promotes significant improvements in 'Aurora-1' peach productivity.

Prunus persica; density; seed; herbaceous cutting

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