Open-access Growth, mineral composition and total phenol of Passiflora species as affected by nitrogen sources

The study aimed to evaluate the influence of nitrogen sources on the initial growth, the nutritional status and total phenol content in leaves of the primary branch of three species of Passiflora. The effects of nitrogen sources on the chemical composition of the plant substrate were also evaluated. The experiment was carried out in a randomized block design, evaluating four nitrogen sources (manure+ammonium nitrate; manure+ammonium sulfate; manure+urea; and manure) and three species of Passiflora (Passiflora edulis, Passiflora alata and Passiflora ligularis), with four replications. The P. edulis showed greater length, diameter and number of shoots on the primary branch than P. alata and P. ligularis. The highest total phenolic content and lower concentration of N in leaf dry mass were observed in P. alata and P. ligularis fertilized with only manure. Among the Passiflora species studied, P. edulis had the highest concentrations of N, P, K and Ca. According to the chemical analysis of the substrates, the manure treatment caused higher pH, higher content of P and K, higher sum of bases and higher bases saturation index.

Passiflora alata; Passiflora edulis; Passiflora ligularis; fertilization

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