Open-access Environmental influence in common bean cultivars grown in Brazilian savannah with low altitude

The goal of this work was to identify common bean genotypes with high yield adaptability and stability and verify the occurrence of the interaction genotype-environment (GxE) for important economic traits in some regions of Brazilian savannah with low altitude in the state of Mato Grosso. Twelve trials were conducted in a randomized complete block design with three replications during the dry and winter seasons of 2008 and 2009. Each trial was composed by 19 genotypes from six different grain types. Data of grain yield, angular leaf spot reaction, crop cycle, tolerance to lodging, and weight of 100 grains were used for analysis of variance. Grain yield data were also used for stability and adaptability analysis according to the methodology proposed by Annichiarico. GxE interactions were observed for all evaluated traits. Correlation between genotype yields in the two growing seasons was intermediate (0.48, p<0.0375) showing that genotype performance in these two growing seasons was fairly coincident. The carioca-type cultivar BRS Estilo and the black seeded cultivars BRS Esplendor and BRS Campeiro combine high adaptability, stability, and grain yield in the dry and winter growing seasons of some Brazilian savannah regions with low altitude in the state of Mato Grosso.

Phaseolus vulgaris; stability; angular leaf spot; weight of 100 grains; lodging; grain yield

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