Open-access Genetic variability and selection for growth traits of rubber tree

This study aim to estimate genetic values and parameters for height and diameter of rubber tree plants by the methodology of mixed models (REML/BLUP procedure). Half-sib progenies were established set Dois Irmãos do Buriti, Mato Grosso do Sul State in complete randomised block, with 28 treatments, 5 replications and 10 plants per plot. On March, 2004, twelve months after transplanting, plant height and diameter were evaluated. The individual narrow sense heritability for plant height (0.1877) and diameter (0.4124) showed good magnitude. Estimated genetic gains of from 14.04% to 16.54% were obtained for height and 25.76% to 91.78% for diameter indicating the possibility of selection for those traits.

Hevea brasiliensis; genetic parameters; genetic gain; REML/BLUP procedure

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