Open-access Restauração do solo para a cultura de cana-de-açúcar: III - Período 1958-61 e considerações gerais

Soil recovering in sugar cane culture: III - 1958-61 period and general considerations


São apresentados novos resultados de um ensaio de restauração de solo para cultura de cana-de-açúcar iniciado em 1954 para avaliação dos efeitos da calagem e das adubações verde e mineral. Verificaram-se efeitos notáveis da calagem e da adubação potássica. A leguminosa Crotularia junceaL. e a adubação nitrogenada foram inócuas em presença da calagem e depressivas quando o corretivo foi omitido. A produtividade do solo elevou-se mais ainda, no período indicado, o que se atribui à melhoria da fertilidade. Análises químicas do solo revelaram efeitos sensíveis da calagem e da adubação mineral sôbre a acidez e sôbre o teor de Ca, Mg e PO4.

This paper reports the data obtained in the third period of an experiment which was started in 1954, to study the recovering for sugar cane culture of an original low fertility and impoverished soil (Humic Red-Yellow Latosol) . At the same time with the results of the two harvestings of this third planting one discusses the soil productivity and fertility variations which had occurred up to the first planting. In a randomized blocks design eight treatments with four replications were compared. They are as follows: a) control; b) P + lime + leguminous cover crop; c) PK + cover crop; d) PK + lime + cover crop; e) NPK; f) NPK ++ lime; g) NPK + cover crop; h) NPK + lime + cover crop. In this period the cover crop still used was the sun hemp (Crotalaria junceaL.) and the sugar cane variety planted was CB 41/76. In the planting time the fertilization applied was at the rates of 90-80-120 kg per hectare of N, P2O5 and K2O respectively and as ammonium sulfate, plain superphosphate and potassium chloride. After the first harvesting other applications of Nitrogen and Potassium were made, at the rates of 60 kg and 90 kg per hectare respectively, using the same sources of fertilizers in top-dressing application. The yields of sugar cane obtained in this period showed appreciable effects due to lime and Potassium and a considerable increase in soil productivity as compared with the data corresponding to the other ones. This result is attributed to the soil fertility increase, on account of favorable variations in soil acidity and Ca, Mg and PO4 levels, as shown by chemical analyses. In spite of the leguminous cover crop usage and chemical fertilizations, no increase in Carbon, Nitrogen and Potassium soil levels were detected.

Restauração do solo para a cultura de cana-de-açúcar. III - Período 1958-61 e considerações gerais

Soil recovering in sugar cane culture. III — 1958-61 period and general considerations

Antônio Carlos Pimentel WutkeI; Raphael AlvarezII,*

IEngenheiro-agrônomo, Seção de Agrogeologia

IIEngenheiro-agrônomo, Seção de Cana-de-Açúcar, Instituto Agronômico


São apresentados novos resultados de um ensaio de restauração de solo para cultura de cana-de-açúcar iniciado em 1954 para avaliação dos efeitos da calagem e das adubações verde e mineral.

Verificaram-se efeitos notáveis da calagem e da adubação potássica. A leguminosa Crotularia junceaL. e a adubação nitrogenada foram inócuas em presença da calagem e depressivas quando o corretivo foi omitido.

A produtividade do solo elevou-se mais ainda, no período indicado, o que se atribui à melhoria da fertilidade. Análises químicas do solo revelaram efeitos sensíveis da calagem e da adubação mineral sôbre a acidez e sôbre o teor de Ca, Mg e PO4.


This paper reports the data obtained in the third period of an experiment which was started in 1954, to study the recovering for sugar cane culture of an original low fertility and impoverished soil (Humic Red-Yellow Latosol) .

At the same time with the results of the two harvestings of this third planting one discusses the soil productivity and fertility variations which had occurred up to the first planting.

In a randomized blocks design eight treatments with four replications were compared. They are as follows: a) control; b) P + lime + leguminous cover crop; c) PK + cover crop; d) PK + lime + cover crop; e) NPK; f) NPK ++ lime; g) NPK + cover crop; h) NPK + lime + cover crop. In this period the cover crop still used was the sun hemp (Crotalaria junceaL.) and the sugar cane variety planted was CB 41/76.

In the planting time the fertilization applied was at the rates of 90-80-120 kg per hectare of N, P2O5 and K2O respectively and as ammonium sulfate, plain superphosphate and potassium chloride.

After the first harvesting other applications of Nitrogen and Potassium were made, at the rates of 60 kg and 90 kg per hectare respectively, using the same sources of fertilizers in top-dressing application.

The yields of sugar cane obtained in this period showed appreciable effects due to lime and Potassium and a considerable increase in soil productivity as compared with the data corresponding to the other ones. This result is attributed to the soil fertility increase, on account of favorable variations in soil acidity and Ca, Mg and PO4 levels, as shown by chemical analyses. In spite of the leguminous cover crop usage and chemical fertilizations, no increase in Carbon, Nitrogen and Potassium soil levels were detected.

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Recebido para publicação em 4 de março de 1968.

Referências bibliográficas

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  • *
    Os autores expressam os seus agradecimentos aos senhores proprietários da "Usina Açucareira Ester e ao engenheiro-agrônomo Luís Andrade Maia, Chefe de Cultura da referida usina, pelas facilidades que proporcionaram para a execução deste trabalho.
  • Datas de Publicação

    • Publicação nesta coleção
      23 Mar 2009
    • Data do Fascículo
      Jan 1968


    • Recebido
      04 Mar 1968
    Instituto Agronômico de Campinas Avenida Barão de Itapura, 1481, 13020-902, Tel.: +55 19 2137-0653, Fax: +55 19 2137-0666 - Campinas - SP - Brazil
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