Open-access The peach meadow orchard system: X. Behavior of cultivars and selections on summer pruning after harvest

Eleven peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch) and three nectarine (P. persica L. Batsch, var. nucipersica) cultivars and selections, budded on Okinawa rootstocks, grown under the meadow orchard system at 4 m x 1.5 m spacing, were summer pruned after harvest for two years. The experimental area was located in Monte Alegre do Sul (22°41’S; 46°43’W) State of São Paulo, Brazil, with an average of chill accumulation of 40 h below 7 °C. From 1997 to 1998 cycles several physiological characteristics were recorded: trunk cross-sectional area, canopy volume, yield, fruits and mass per cm² of trunk. The best results were observed for Aurora-1, IAC 680-13, Régis, Talismã and IAC 680-178 cultivars and selections with an average of number of fruits and fruit yield (kg.tree-1), respectively: 161, 13.9; 142, 12.4; 156, 12.2; 128, 11.9 and 130, 10.1. The summer pruning increased the yield and medium fruit mass. Data on trunk cross-sectional area, canopy volume, yield and fruits and mass per cm² of trunk presented significant differences among cultivars and selections.

peach; nectarine; Prunus persica; cultural practice; IAC selections; productivity; canopy volume; trunk cross-sectional area

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