Open-access Enlist volunteer corn affects the crop development and seed quality of Enlist soybean


EnlistTM technology is a new trait on soybean and corn conferring tolerance to auxinic-type (2,4-D choline) and graminicides (aryloxyphenoxypropionates – FOPs) herbicides. However, the occurrence of volunteer corn tolerant to 2,4-D and FOPs can become a significant weed on soybean cropping systems, affecting the crop yield and reducing seed quality. This research aimed to evaluate herbicides to EnlistTM volunteer corn control and their effects on plant development, crop yield, and physiological seed quality of EnlistTM soybean. Field experiment was performed in a complete randomized block experimental design with four replicates, using a density of 10 plants·m-2 of EnlistTM volunteer corn. Treatments consisted of herbicides applied at 3-4-leaves stage of volunteer corn with haloxyfop-P-methyl, clethodim, pinoxaden, cloransulam-methyl and imazethapyr regarding to a control with and without volunteer corn. The development and yield components of EnlistTM soybean were evaluated and physiological seed testing performed on soybean’s seeds. Clethodim controlled EnlistTM volunteer corn, whereas haloxyfop-P-methyl, pinoxaden, and cloransulam-methyl showed insufficient control levels (30-35%) at 30 days after spray. Imazethapyr exhibited 84% of control of EnlistTM volunteer corn and injured the EnlistTM soybean, affecting its seed viability. EnlistTM volunteer corn interferences negatively the soybean crop yield, yield components, and affects the plant development pattern.

Key words acetyl CoA carboxylase inhibiting herbicides; synthetic auxins; weed interference; seed analysis

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