Open-access Coffee cup quality: effect of storage time

The effect of storage time on the Coffea arabica cv. Mundo Novo bean cup quality was analysed from June 1974 to March 1976. Five container types were used as follows: can, cotton and jute sacks, polyethylene and kraft paper bags. A randomized block design was used with five replications for each container. Coffee sarnples were analysed 5, 16, and 21 months after the beginning of the experiment. Coffee cup quality was determined by three independent coffee experts, using randomized block design and a five point scale for coffee quality evaluation. The coffee samples taken after five months did not reveal any effect of storage in the different containers. The average points attributed to the coffee cup quality varied from 3.2 to 3.3 points Samples taken 16 and 21 inonths after starting the experiment revealed a significative effect of the container types. The can and the polyethylene bags containers gave better cup quality. The average points given to the cup quality also decreased with storage time in all types of containers used. A marked effect of the container types on the bean color in the seed humidity, size and weight of the beans was observed for the coffee storaged for 21 months. The coffee samples preserved its normal green color in the can and in the polyethylene containers.

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