Open-access Yield components and morphology of cassava roots under different tillage

In order to evaluate the effect of minimum tillage, conventional tillage and no-tillage on yield components and the morphology of roots of sweet cassava cv. IAC 576-70 was conducted a field experiment in randomized blocks design with split plot with six replications. The different tillages: minimum tillage, conventional tillage and no-tillage plots were considered the plots and the evaluation time, in days after planting, were considered the subplots. In this experiment were mensured the number, length, diameter, fresh and dry weight, dry matter content and morphological characteristics of cassava roots at different sampling times. From the results of these assessments it was concluded that the soil tillage influence root diameter, fresh and dry weight, in the early dormancy phase and new period of vegetative growth, the soil tillage did not influence the chronological definition of the yield component as well as the morphology of cassava roots and the yield components of sweet cassava cv. IAC 576-70 are defined in the following order, number of roots, length, diameter, dry matter content, fresh and dry weight.

Manihot esculenta; sweet cassava; conventional tillage; minimum tillage; no tillage

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