Open-access Coffee breeding: XXVII - Results from the regional coffee selection trial at Jau

Five coffee regional selection trials were established in 1951 in five localities representative of the main coffee producing regions of São Paulo. These trials included selected strains of the cultivars 'Mundo Nôvo', 'Bourbon Amarelo', 'Bourbon Vermelho', 'Caturra Amarelo', 'Caturra Vermelho' and 'Sumatra' and they will furnish information about the most adapted progenies for each locality. Data obtained in the experiment station of the Instituto Agronômico located at Jaú, in the central plateau of the State, are discussed in the present paper. Besides selected progenies this trial comprises a population without selection of each one of the cultivars and also of the tester 'Típica' in order to have information about the effectiveness of the pedigree method for coffee breeding. The data point out the 'Mundo Nôvo' progenies are more vigorous and more productive than any other selection. Their seeds are larger and heavier and the percentage of normal flat beans is also higher. The 'Mundo Nôvo' strains produce on the average 35, 84, 178 and 232 per cent more clean coffee than those of 'Bourbon Amarelo', 'Bourbon Vermelho', 'Caturra' and 'Típica', respectively. They rank also 77 per cent higher than the tester 'Mundo Novo' without selection. The best 'Mundo Nôvo' progenies in this trial are the same that had given the highest yields in the Campinas trial indicating their broad adaptation to different ecological conditions. The 'Mundo Nôvo' progenies MP 376-4, CP 379-19, JP 381-3 and CP 387-17 are already being used for replanting the old coffee areas in the vicinity of Jaú. These results confirm those previously obtained about the different yielding levels of the cultivars 'Mundo Nôvo', 'Bourbon Amarelo', 'Bourbon Vermelho' and 'Caturra'.

Instituto Agronômico de Campinas Avenida Barão de Itapura, 1481, 13020-902, Tel.: +55 19 2137-0653, Fax: +55 19 2137-0666 - Campinas - SP - Brazil
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