Open-access Radiation balance of coffee tree tops in hedgerows and its relations with global solar and grass net radiations

Intercepted solar radiation (ISR) is important for plant growth, development and energy fluxes. We used a mobile device carrying on eight net radiometers encompassing coffee plants aligned in hedgerows to measure Rnc. Measures of radiation balance over several coffee hedgerows (Rnc) were taken in order to analyze the effect of leaf area (LA) on ISR as well as its relationship with solar radiation (Qg) and grass net radiation (Rn). Results showed a direct relationship between LA, Rnc and Qg. However, these relations were not linear, which leads us to refute the hypothesis that the normalized Rnc in terms of leaf area would be a linear function of the grass net radiation.

net radiation; leaf area; meteorological variables; Coffea arabica L.

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