Open-access Bamboo as a raw material for the pulp and paper industry: IV - Study of Bambusa tuldoides, B. textilis, B. ventricosa, B. malingensis and B. dissimulator in the production of kraft pulp

Five bamboo species, very similar in the agronomic features, were studied in the production of kraft pulp. All of them have culms with about 9 m in height, 4-5 cm in diameter and weight of 4-5 kg, growing very well in the soil and climate conditions of São Paulo State. Determinations of the basic density of culms and dimension of fibres were made. Chips were obtained mechanically and the cookings were made by the sulfate process at 160°C for l hour, using 14% Na(2)0 and 25% sul-phidity. Bambusa textilis and B. tuldoides which yielded, respectively 43.75% and 42.53% of unbleached pulp were statistically superior to B. malingensis and B. dissimulator, which yielded only 35.82% and 36.57%, but have no difference relating to B. ventricosa which yielded 41.74%. Handmade sheets of 60 g/s.m. were tested according to ABCP and Tappi methods. The results showed that B. textilis was the best in the tearing, B. tuldoides in the folding and B. dissimulator in the mullen and tensile strength.

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