Open-access Comparison of adaptability and stability methods related to grain yield of maize cultivars

Grain yield data were used from 34 maize cultivar trials carried out in the State of the Rio Grande do Sul, in the agricultural years of 2002/2003 and 2003/2004, with the objective of comparing the following methods of adaptability and stability analysis: Yates and Cochran (1948), Plaisted and Peterson (1959), Wricke (1965), Annicchiarico (1992), Eberhart and Russell (1966), Tai (1971) and Lin and Binns (1988) modified by Carneiro (1998). In order to verify the degree of agreement among the estimates of adaptability and stability parameters, the Spearman correlation coefficient was used. The cultivars indicated by the methodologies of Plaisted and Peterson and Wricke are associated with the highest stability. However they are independent of the average yield and of the adaptability to general, favorable and unfavorable environments. The cultivars indicated by Yates and Cochran method are associated with the highest stability, less yield and more appropriate to unfavorable environments. The cultivars with high yield and associated to high instability and adapted to favorable environments are preferably indicated by the LIN and BINNS modified by Carneiro and Annicchiarico methods. The Eberhart and Russell methodology must be preferred because of considering simultaneously the yield, the stability and adaptability to general, favorable and unfavorable environments.

Zea mays; genotype x environment interaction; cultivar indication; Spearman correlation

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