Open-access Ripening of 'bruno' kiwifruits submitted to impact mechanical injury and treatment with 1-methylcyclopropene

The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of the impact injury and treatment with 1-methylcyclopropene on the ripening of 'Bruno' kiwifruits. The treatments evaluated were: control (T1); mechanical injury with fruit drop at 60 cm (T2) and 120 cm (T3); 1-MCP (1µL L-1) (T4); and 1-MCP (1µL L-1) + fruit drop at 120cm (T5). After the treatments, fruit were stored at 20±2 ÚC and 65±5% RH. The treatment T3, caused increases respiration and ethylene production rates and reduced flesh firmness and texture. Application of 1-methylcyclopropene reduced ethylene production and respiration rates and increased flesh firmness and texture. In fruit submitted to mechanical injury, the application of 1-methylcyclopropene provided values of flesh firmness, texture, and respiration and ethylene production rates similar to the control treatment. As conclusion, the treatment with 1-MCP can avoid ripening induced by mechanical injury in 'Bruno' kiwifruit.

Actinidia chinensis; postharvest; ethylene; respiration

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