Open-access Nutritional condition and yield components of bell pepper plants conduced in fertigation system during induction of saline stress in protected cultivation

The use of fertigation techniques in greenhouse is increasing in Brazil due to the facilities and reduction of the costs of production. In spite of these advantages, it is pointed out that this practice can also bring risks, mainly for the accumulation of salts in the surface of the soil and in the peripheric root site of the bulb. In case of soil salinization due to incorrect handling of the system, it can happen alterations in the disponibility of nutrients, with physiological consequences to the development of the plants. In this research, the bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) was used as model for studies of the interference of the salinity in plant nutrition and yield. The obtained results revealed some antagonism among nutrients, especially among the cationic forms due to the increase of the KCl concentration in the treatments with high EC. The supplying of the soil with organic matter did not attenuate the effects of the increase of the saline concentration and the extreme values of EC interfered drastically in the production.

Capsicum annuum L.; salt stress; fertigation; plant nutrition

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