Open-access Efficiency of a mine by-product as agricultural liming material and source of zinc


Most Brazilian soils have restrictions on agricultural use related to acidity and nutrient availability. This study aims to evaluate a zinc (Zn) and lead (Pb) mining by-product (Zincal™), regarding its capacity to correct soil acidity, and to serve as a source of Zn. For evaluation of its efficacy, a comparison with dolomite + Zn sulfate was conducted. The experiment was set up in two soils, a Quartzarenic Neosol and a Red Latosol, and conducted under controlled conditions in the laboratory. Treatments consisted in the application of two doses, aiming at 75 and 95% base saturation of both liming materials, as well as in a control treatment without acidity correction. The effect of said treatments on pH, base saturation, Al3+, H+Al, Ca2+, Mg2+, Zn, Mn and Pb contents were evaluated over 120 days. Similar responses were obtained from both liming materials, regarding their capacity to increase the pH of the soil, reduce Al3+ and potential acidity (H+Al), and increase base saturation. Differences observed in these attributes were dose-related. In regard to Ca and Mg, the content released in soil correlates with the content present in the liming materials. Zincal™ released more Mg and less Ca than dolomite, hence proving to be efficient in releasing Zinc.

Key words waste utilization; residual effect; alternative sources

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