Open-access Behavior of sugar cane varieties in sandy soil of the "arenito de bauru" type

Sixteen varieties of sugar cane were tested in a sandy soil of "arenito de Bauru" type at the Usina Miranda, Presidente Alves. Three harvests were made (plant cane, 1st and 2nd stubble). Cane and sugar yields of the first harvest alone and of the three harvests together were analysed statistically and gave the following indications: 1) Of the 16 varieties tried, Co.419, C.B.40/69, C.B.40/77, C.B.41/61, Co.290, and C.B.41/70 gave the highest yields in cane tonnage and in sugar. Co.421 is also a good yielder, but has hard, fibrous canes and a tendency for blossoming. 2) The varieties C.B.36/14 and C.B.41/18 can be used for sandy soils with certain restrictions. 3) The varieties C.P.29/291, C.P.27/139, Co.413, C.B.40/19, I.A.C.34/553, I.A.C. 34/536, and P.O.J.2961 were not satisfactory and are not recommended for sandy soils similar to that of the present experiment. C.P.29/291 was highly susceptible to smut.

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