Open-access Evaluation of bioregulators on secondary metabolism of whole and minimally processed beet root

The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of bioregulators on some aspects of secondary metabolism of minimally processed and whole (without processing) beet roots. For the minimal processing, beet roots were peeled, sanitized, shredded (2 mm thick), rinsed and centrifuged. For whole beet roots, both leaves and stems were removed, and after the product was sanitized. The following treatments were applied: ethylene (1000 mL L-1), 1-MCP (300 nL L-1) and, salicylic acid (500 mg L-1). After treatments, beet roots were packed and stored at 5 ºC during 10 days. Injuries that occurred during the minimal processing induced an increase of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) activity in ethylene, 1-MCP and control treatments. However, salicylic acid decreased the activity of this enzyme. The treatments applied on whole and minimally processed beet roots did not have influence in total phenol and betalains concentration; however the betalains content was more than 50% lower in beet root minimally processed if compared to whole root.

Beta vulgaris; phenolic compound; betalains; PAL

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