Open-access Coffee breeding: XXXVII - Coffee resistance to the leaf miner

A survey on the level of resistance of coffee species and cultivars to the leaf miner (Perileucoptera coffeella) was carried out under field conditions. It was observed that the diploid coffee species namely C. eugenioides, C. dewevrei, C. racemosa, C. liberica, and C. kapakata present a high level of resistance, while C. stenophylla is almost immune to the insect. C. canephora and C. congensis are susceptible. Within the species C. arabica only the mokka variety showed some degree of resistance. No relation was noticed between resistance to the leaf miner and the leaf blade thickness, in the diploid, tetraploid and octoploid forms of C. arabica and diploid and tetraploid C. canephora. The leaf blade size also does not influence the leaf miner attack. Observations on the attacked leaves of some interespecific F1 hybrids between diploid coffee species indicated the dominant nature of the resistance. Suggestions are presented for the transfer of the resistance alleles to the economic susceptible C. canephora and C. arabica species.

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