Open-access Maize populations performance as to agronomic and technological characteristics

White and yellow grained maize populations and some of their reciprocal crosses were evaluated as to several agronomic traits as well as to flour yield and bread characteristics. Some populations, including the hybrids under testing showed high grain yield potentials, at the same levels of commercial hybrids Ag-401 e C-601. Significant differences were recorded for plant and ear height, among the entries studied. 'IAC-Taitinga', without differing- from 'IAC-Moroti' and 'IAC-Taitinga x IAC-Moroti' presented the highest flour output values. 'IAC-Taiúba' showed to be superior to the other germplasms, as to the bread volume, using a composite flour (10% corn plus 90% wheat flour). On the other hand, the population 'IAC-Taitinga' and the hybrid 'IAC-Taitinga x IAC-Moroti' showed the highest scores for bread quality.

Zea mays L.; breeding program; maternal effect; baking process; mixed flour

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