Open-access Ensaios de variedades de morangueiro

Strawberry variety trials - 1960-1962


Nas Estações Experimentais do Instituto Agronômico, em Campinas desde 1941, e em Monte Alegre do Sul a partir de 1952, estudaram-se 48 variedades introduzidas e cêrca de 1600 seedlings" obtidos de cruzamentos locais em Campinas e de sementes importadas. As variedades introduzidas e os híbridos criados foram preliminarmente estudados em estufa, e os melhores levados para observações de campo. Os exemplares que apresentaram melhores qualidades e característicos, entraram em ensaios de campo. A variedade Monte Alegre IAC-3113, quanto à produtividade, foi superior a tôdas as outras variedades comparadas. Baseando-se em outros fatôres igualmente importantes, como tipo, tamanho e paladar, destacaram-se as variedades: Campinas IAC-2712; Monte Alegre IAC-3113; Híbrido IAC-2747 e Híbrido I-2005.

In Brazil the strawberry plant has been grown on a domestic scale in kitchen gardens for quite a number of years. As a commercial crop, however, it is of fairly recent date. In the states of Rio Grande do Sul and São Paulo, this crop has already attained a decisive level of importance. At the Central Experiment Station "Theodureto de Camargo", in Campinas, since 1941, and at the Experiment Station Monte Alegre, as from 1952 onward, not less than 48 varieties and 1,600 seedlings were studied, the latter being hybrids obtained locally or introduced from other countries. A new series of strawberry variety trials was carried out from 1960 through 1962 at the Monte Alegre Experiment Station, on massape soil type, where experiments with the 13 best varieties had the purpose to compare results with those of variety Dr. Morère I-699. The results allowed the following conclusions: a) variety Monte Alegre IAC-3113, recently introduced by Instituto Agronômico de Campinas, showed vigorous plants, very productive, statistically superior over all studied varieties; the berries are medium to large, globose-conic, glossy, dark red, attractive and of good quality; b) variety Campinas IAC-2712, introduced in 1959, showed vigorous plants, productive, statistically superior to Dr. Morère, but the foliage is susceptible to leaf spot. The berries are large, conical, glossy, medium red, attractive and of very good quality; the fruit maintain their size throughout the season; c) variety IAC-2747, introduced in 1952, had vigorous plants, productive, statistically superior to Dr. Morère, and shows no difference compared to Campinas IAC-2712; the berries are large, globose-conic, medium red, and of median quality; d) variety Dr. Morère I-699, the most cultivated variety in the State of São Paulo and introduced in this state probably from France about 50 years ago, shows plants of medium vigor, not very productive. The berries are medium, conical, glossy, medium red, and of very good quality; the fruit do not keep their size throughout the season; the foliage is susceptible to leaf spot.

Ensaios de variedades de morangueiro1

Strawberry variety trials - 1960-1962

Dr. Leocádio de Souza CamargoI; Sebastião AlvesII; Eduardo AbramidesIII

IEngenheiro-agrônomo, Seção de Olericultura

IIEngenheiro-agrônomo, Estação Experimental de Monte Alegre do Sul

IIIEngenheiro-agrônomo, Seção de Técnica Experimental, Instituto Agronômico


Nas Estações Experimentais do Instituto Agronômico, em Campinas desde 1941, e em Monte Alegre do Sul a partir de 1952, estudaram-se 48 variedades introduzidas e cêrca de 1600 seedlings" obtidos de cruzamentos locais em Campinas e de sementes importadas.

As variedades introduzidas e os híbridos criados foram preliminarmente estudados em estufa, e os melhores levados para observações de campo. Os exemplares que apresentaram melhores qualidades e característicos, entraram em ensaios de campo. A variedade Monte Alegre IAC-3113, quanto à produtividade, foi superior a tôdas as outras variedades comparadas. Baseando-se em outros fatôres igualmente importantes, como tipo, tamanho e paladar, destacaram-se as variedades: Campinas IAC-2712; Monte Alegre IAC-3113; Híbrido IAC-2747 e Híbrido I-2005.


In Brazil the strawberry plant has been grown on a domestic scale in kitchen gardens for quite a number of years. As a commercial crop, however, it is of fairly recent date. In the states of Rio Grande do Sul and São Paulo, this crop has already attained a decisive level of importance.

At the Central Experiment Station "Theodureto de Camargo", in Campinas, since 1941, and at the Experiment Station Monte Alegre, as from 1952 onward, not less than 48 varieties and 1,600 seedlings were studied, the latter being hybrids obtained locally or introduced from other countries.

A new series of strawberry variety trials was carried out from 1960 through 1962 at the Monte Alegre Experiment Station, on massape soil type, where experiments with the 13 best varieties had the purpose to compare results with those of variety Dr. Morère I-699.

The results allowed the following conclusions:

a) variety Monte Alegre IAC-3113, recently introduced by Instituto Agronômico de Campinas, showed vigorous plants, very productive, statistically superior over all studied varieties; the berries are medium to large, globose-conic, glossy, dark red, attractive and of good quality;

b) variety Campinas IAC-2712, introduced in 1959, showed vigorous plants, productive, statistically superior to Dr. Morère, but the foliage is susceptible to leaf spot. The berries are large, conical, glossy, medium red, attractive and of very good quality; the fruit maintain their size throughout the season;

c) variety IAC-2747, introduced in 1952, had vigorous plants, productive, statistically superior to Dr. Morère, and shows no difference compared to Campinas IAC-2712; the berries are large, globose-conic, medium red, and of median quality;

d) variety Dr. Morère I-699, the most cultivated variety in the State of São Paulo and introduced in this state probably from France about 50 years ago, shows plants of medium vigor, not very productive. The berries are medium, conical, glossy, medium red, and of very good quality; the fruit do not keep their size throughout the season; the foliage is susceptible to leaf spot.

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Recebido para publicação em 19 de julho de 1963.

Referências bibliográficas

  • 1. BAKER, R. R. & VOLT, V. Breeding and testing strawberry varieties. University of California, Estados Unidos, 1949. Bull. 714.
  • 2. BROOKS, A. N. Relation of soil reaction to strawberry production in Central Florida. University of Florida, Estados Unidos, 1938. Bull. 513.
  • 3. CAMARGO, LEOCÁDIO DE SOUZA. Cultura do morangueiro. Rio de Janeiro, Ministério da Agricultura, 1945. 38 p. ilust.
  • 4. __________. Instruções para a cultura do morangueiro. Campias, Insttiuto Agronômico, 1960. 16 p. (Boletim n.° 29).
  • 5 __________. In Relatório da Seção de Olericultura e Floricultura e da Comissão de Hortaliças e Plantas Ornamentais do Instituto Agronômico, 1942 a 1961. (Não publicado).
  • 6 __________. In Relatório da Seção de Olericultura do Instituto Agronômico, 1962. (Não publicado).
  • 7. __________. Novas variedades de morangueiro para o Estado de São Paulo. Tese de Doutoramento, Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", Piracicaba, 1960. 48 p. ilust. (Resumida em Agronômico 13(1-2) :30-32. 1961).
  • 8. CARVALHO, ANA MARIA B., COSTA, A. S. & CAMARGO, LEOCÁDIO DE SOUZA. Ocorrência do vírus do mosqueado do morangueiro no Estado de São Paulo. Bragantia 20:563-578, ilust. 1961.
  • 9. CLARK, R. R. Oregon can produce more strawberry. Better Crops Plant Food 37(5):17-20, 48-49. 1954.
  • 10. DARROW, G. M. Strawberry improvement. Yearbook of Agriculture. Washington, D.C., 1937. p. 445-495.
  • 11 __________. Polyploidy in fruit improvement. The Scientific Monthly. Washington, D.C., April, 1950. p. 211-219.
  • 12 __________. O morangueiro. A Fazenda. New York, janeiro, 1949.
  • 13. DEMARRE, J. B. Diseases of strawberry. Washington, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1948.
  • 14 Fôlha da Manhã, São Paulo. O morangueiro na Estação Experimental de Pelotas. São Paulo, 19.3.1953.
  • 15. GUIMARÃES, F. Relatório do Campo Experimental de Horticultura. Domingos Petroline, Rio Grande do Sul, 1952. (Não publicado).
  • 16. JONES, F. D. & SINGLETON, W. R. The improvement of naturally cross-pollinated plants by selection in self-fertilized lines. III - Investigations with vegetatively propagated fruits. Conn. Agr. Sta., 1940. Bull. 435.
  • 17. NATIVIDADE, J. V. Cultura dos morangueiros. Alcobaça, Oficina de José de Oliveira Júnior, 1940.
  • 18. NELSON, P. E. & WILHELM, S. Some anatomic aspects of the strawberry root. Hilgardia 26:631-642. 1957.
  • 19. NITSCH, J. P. Growth and morphologenesis of the strawberry as related to auxin. Amer. J. Bot. 37:211-215. 1950.
  • 20. SLATE, G. L. New strawberry varieties. Cornell University. Bull. 762, N. Y. 1954.
  • 21. SMEETS, L. Influence of the temperature on runner production in five strawberry varieties. Horticultural Abstracts 26:374. 1956.
  • 22. UPHOF, J. C. A cultura de morangos em países quentes. Washington, D.C., União Pan-Americana, 1935.
  • 1
    Trabalho apresentado na III Reunião da Sociedade de Olericultura do Brasil, realizada em Piracicaba, de 7 a 14 de julho de 1963.
  • Datas de Publicação

    • Publicação nesta coleção
      23 Fev 2010
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    • Recebido
      19 Jul 1963
    Instituto Agronômico de Campinas Avenida Barão de Itapura, 1481, 13020-902, Tel.: +55 19 2137-0653, Fax: +55 19 2137-0666 - Campinas - SP - Brazil
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