Open-access Nutrient uptake by ramie 'Miyasaki' grown under greenhouse conditions

Ramie plante (Boehmeria nipea 'Miyasaki') were grown in a greenhouse, with and without NPK fertilization, to study the accumulation of dry matter and nutriente during five plant stages: 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90 days of age. Plante treated without fertilizei did not grow after 60 days of age probably due to insufficient N, P and K levels and had a dry matter production twenty five times lower than that of ferilized plante. The concentrations of N, P and K in the parts of the fertilized plants, and of Cu in the leaves, decreased with plant age up to 90 days, whereas Ca in the leaves increased up to 75 days of age. Highest nutrient concentrations were found in the leaves: Ca was the most concentrated one (5.87%) whereas Cu was the least (5.6 ppm). At 90 days of age, the ramie plants accumulated 126.7g of dry matter, 1015.4mg of N, 126.8mg of P, 1382.8mg of K, 3035.3mg of Ca, 341.4mg of Mg, 65.4mg of S, 3.50mg of B, 0.45mg of Cu, 21.45mg of Fe, 33.11mg of Mn and 2.51mg of Zn.

ramie; Boehmeria nipea; nutriente absorbed

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