Open-access Seedless somatic mutant in the Niagara Red grape cultivars

A somatic mutation occurred in 1982 in the Niagara Red, the main table grape cultivars in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, is reported. The mutant shows the same berry color as the original one but its physical dimensions were drastically reduced: bunch weight (237%) and berry weight (218%); bunch length and width (33 and 70%) and berry length and width (58 and 43%). The outstanding characteristic by which the mutant differs from the original is the seedlessness. It is expected that the new cultivars, due to its seedlessness, can be of great value to grape grower and to the final consumer. Moreover, the cultivars can be used as male parent in breeding programs considering its seedlessness and as a source of disease resistance. The cultivar is named "Rosinha" (little rose in Portuguese) or Niagara Red Seedless.

table grapes; breeding; seedlessness

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