Open-access Yield related key traits in the selection of super sweetcorn hybrids


Super sweet corn breeding must develop hybrids that fully meet the expectations of the market. In this sense, the determination of keytraits for the selection of sweetcorn genotypes is a fundamental condition for breeding success. The objective of this work was to identify key traits for the selection of promising and contrasting genotypes of super sweet corn. The experiments were carried out in Guarapuava (PR), in two sowing dates. Seventeen traits related to the yield and quality of the ear were evaluated. To perform the multivariate analysis, data were subjected to diagnosis of multicolinearity, analysis of canonical variables, genetic divergence, hierarchical clusters, factor analysis, and canonical correspondence analysis. Grain yield, yield of dehusked ears, and number of commercial ears were considered related key traits in the identification of promising super sweet corn genotypes. Hybrid D3-20 × D5-41 presented higher averages than the others, considering the yield related keytraits.

Key words Zea mays var; saccharata; manova; multicolinearity; canonical correspondence

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