Open-access Natural contents of heavy metals in some brazilian soil classes

The heavy metals background levels for evaluation of a possible contamination are still not defined in Brazilian soils. The objective of this study was to measure the content of the heavy metals Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Zn, in several brazilian soils, under natural conditions, and to correlate some soil properties with the occurrence of these elements. Soil samples from EMBRAPA Soils' (RJ) collection were used (162 in total), corresponding to A and B (or C) horizons from 81 profiles, of the main classes of Brazilian soils, especially Ultisols (Argissolos) 27% and Oxisols (Latossolos) 42%. Heavy metal levels were determined using an ICPAES, after extraction with acqua regia. The average metal concentrations were below average values reported in the literature for soils found abroad, with exception to Cd. They were also lower than values considered toxic to plants, including Cd values. Soil samples were clustered by similarity, based on the variables content of clay, silt, Mn, and Fe, and value of soil CEC (T value). This enabled separation of the soil samples in seven groups which have distinct ranges for the soil variables contents, which allowed an estimation of the heavy metals background levels for soil samples with characteristics within the range of each group.

background levels; cluster analysis; principal components analysis; acqua regia

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