Open-access Efeito do nitrogênio residual da soja na produção de trigo

Effect of residual nitrogen of soybeans on wheat yield


Efeito do nitrogênio residual da soja na produção de trigo

Effect of residual nitrogen of soybeans on wheat yield

O. F. de Oliveira; J. C. Felicio; H. A. A. Mascarenhas*; R. Hiroce


Seeds of nodulating (D. 719330) and nonnodulating (D. 719331) soybeans were planted in two plots in order to multiply the seeds. These plots were previously limed and PK fertilizer was broadcast one month before planting. The seeds were planted on 22/11/78, the nodulating line being inoculated before planting. Plants of nonnodulating line received 50kg/ha of N as side dressing at 35 days after planting. At flowering time live plants of D. 719330 were pulled out to observe nodulation which was excellent. Plants of nonnodulating line did not have nodules as expected. On 23/4/79 the soybeans were harvested from the plots and the rest of the roots was turned in with a garden hoe and wheat variety IAC-5 was planted using only simple superphosphate as fertilizer. Water was provided by sprinkler irrigation only when necessary. The wheat plants were taller and greener when planted after soybeans that nodulated as compared to those planted after nonnodulating soybeans. They also provided 23% higher yield in wheat, higher N concentration in the above ground parts and higher N in the seeds which shows that nodules of soybeans were responsable for these increases.

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Recebida para publicação a 27 de setembro de 1979.

  • *
    Com bolsa de suplementação do CNPq.
  • Datas de Publicação

    • Publicação nesta coleção
      15 Dez 2007
    • Data do Fascículo
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