Open-access Wheat breeding: VII. Heritability and correlation coefficients between agronomic characters in hybrid populations of wheat in different soils of the State of São Paulo, Brazil

The wheat cultivars C-3 and Siete Cerros were crossed. Parents, F1, F2 and backcrosses to both parents were planted in a pot experiment containing high fertility soil carried out at Campinas Experimental Center. All data were determined on an individual plant basis. Broad and narrow sense heritabilities were estimated for eight agronomic characters as well as phenotypic and environmental correlations between plant grain yield and the other seven characters. Genetic correlations showed that high yield plants were positively correlated with plant height (r = 0.377), number of spikes per plant (r = 0.919), number of spikelets per spike (r = 0.219) and with 100-grain-weight (r = 0.814). Selections in the progenies, for high number of kernels per spike and per spikelet may not succeed and can affect grain yield negatively. The parents, F1 and F2 were also planted in pots containing soils from 5 different locations belonged to the wheat area of the State of São Paulo, taken at two different depths. Pots were filled up with soil from the top layear (0-30cm) of each location and with soil from 30cm to 60cm depth. Besides, a treatment with a soil from Campinas Experimental Station was included. The plants sensitive to acid conditions, with high aluminum concentration, presented a significant reduction in grain yield, plant height, number of spikes per plant, number of spikelets per spike and per spikelet. When a top soil was used, from Canada Farm, Assis, showing pH above 6.0, high amounts of Ca, Mg and K and no presence of Al, the genetic correlation coefficients were positive between grain yield and plant height (r = 0.224), number of spikelets per spike (r = 0.856), number of spikes per plant (r 0.500), and 100-grain-weight (r > 1.00). Negative correlations were found between grain yield and number of grain per spike (r = -0.068) and per spikelet (r = -0.873) and with head length (r = -0.463). When a top layer soil was used, from Itararé Experimental Station, presenting pH equal 4.6, low Ca, Mg, K and P concentrations, the results showed that the high grain yield plants (and consequently more tolerant to Al3+) were associated with tall plants (r = 0.710), presenting high number of spikes per plant (r > 1.00), high number of grain per spike (r = 0.727) and spikelet (r = 0.753), heavy kernels (r = 0.785) and long heads (r = 0.733). To develop short or median height plants from the cross presenting acid soil tolerance and high yield potential, it would be necessary to plant larger F2 populations to ensure a sufficient frequency of desired recombinants.

Instituto Agronômico de Campinas Avenida Barão de Itapura, 1481, 13020-902, Tel.: +55 19 2137-0653, Fax: +55 19 2137-0666 - Campinas - SP - Brazil
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