Open-access Some characters of ramie varieties and its correlations with the fiber content

They were tested some agro-botanical and technological characters of ramie (Boehmerict nivea Gaud.) and their simple and partial correlations. In this study the following international varieties were considered. Hakui Ibgou, White Skin, Taiwan Hakushi, Shalien n.° 1, Hsi-Ching-Chin-Hsin, Banmethuot, Miya-saki 112, E 47-1, Murakami, P.I. 87.521, Kagisei, and Yilan n.° 1. The characters studied were: weight - green stalk with leaves, green stalk without leaves, two hundred fifty milimeters of green and dry stalk, dry fiber, - fiber content in green and dry stalk, leaves content, stalk humidity content, and length and diameter of stalk. Considering the characters tested the varieties differed significantly. For certain varieties there were obtained significative correlations among fiber content and some characters studied. The results of this study must be considered by the breeders in the selection works of ramie.

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