Open-access Responses of potato genotypes for in vitro tuberisation

Six potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) genotypes were tested for in vitro microtuber yield, using three culture media and three evaluation periods (30, 60 and 90 days). The best results as to overall number and frequency of medium and small microtubers induced in vitro have been achieved with culture medium BT2 with BAP (5.0 mg.L-1), sucrose (80 g.L-1) and Cycocel (500 mg.L-1). On the other hand, BT1 medium with Kin (2.5 mg.L-1) and sucrose (60 g.L-1) has shown high efficiency in the induction of large microtubers for the cultivar Santé while BT3 revealed average results for all the cultivars. Final evaluation period was best at 90 days, allowing to determine, with good precision, the performance of the potato cultivars in the culture media used.

potato; Solanum tuberosum L.; microtubers; in vitro tuberisation; micropropagation

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