Open-access Dry bean cultivar trials at Mococa and Monte Alegre do Sul in the State of São Paulo

A four year trial of dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) was conducted on Ortho Red Yellow Podzolic Soils at two localities (Mococa and Monte Alegre do Sul) in the hilly region of the State of São Paulo. The cultivars tested were: Carioca, Bico-de-Ouro, Rosinha G-2, Preto G-1, Pintado, Rico-23, and Chumbinho-Opaco. In Mococa the cultivar Carioca yielded significantly more than others, whereas at Monte Alegre do Sul it showed the same production as Rico-23 and Pintado. On the average of the eight experiments at both localities Carioca yielded more than the other cultivars and can be recomended for planting in this region.

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