Open-access Variability in some of the coffee beverage characteristics

The chemical components of the coffee beans are fairly well studied, however very little is known about the factors affecting the coffee beverage. In the present report are discussed the results obtained in a trial to determine the variability in the acidity, soluble solids and cup quality in samples of pulped coffee of several selected strains of 'Mundo Novo', 'Bourbon Amarelo' and 'Bourbon Vermelho' cultivars. The samples were collected from a yield trial which contains replications protected by shade trees and others grown without shading. The total acidity of the 'Bourbon Vermelho' strains beverage, of 1.3 either for shaded or without shade replications, is higher than that obtained for the 'Mundo Novo', which attained the value of 1.2 for both series of replications. The average percentages of soluble solids for the 'Bourbon Amarelo' 29.19 and 29.49 for the replications without and with shade are higher than those found in the samples of 'Mundo Novo' strains, of 28.90 and 28.58, respectively. The soluble solids content for the 'Bourbon Vermelho' strains is also higher (5 per cent probability) than those obtained for the 'Mundo Novo'. The cup quality analysis revealed that all examined samples are similar to the standard of the soft type, with exception of the samples of the 'Mundo Novo' strain LCP 391 from the replications without shading and LCP 379-19 under shade, which furnished a better cup quality. The 'Mundo Novo' strains gave on the average, a better cup quality thant that of 'Bourbon Vermelho'. The total acidity values of the 'Bourbon Vermelho' strains are similar to those of 'Bourbon Amarelo' and 'Mundo Novo'. The results obtained indicated also that the coffee produced under shade trees does not differ from that harvested in the replications without shade in relation to the total acidity, percentage of soluble solids in the beverage, and also to cup quality.

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