Open-access Behavior of twelve potato varieties from European sources

Twelve potato varieties imported from Holland (Prinslander, Irene, Froma, and Barima), Germany (Merkur, Sabina, Linda, and Concordia), and Sweden (Konsuragis, Eigenheimer, Voran, and Jätte-Bintje) were compared in six experiments carried out at three different localities in the state of São Paulo (Campinas, Louveira, and Capão Bonito). The experiments were planted twice a year, once during the so-called dry season (March lo July), and another time during the rainy season (September to March). The following results were obtained: a) plantings made in the dry season had a good stand, whereas this was poor in the rainy season for the late varieties, Voran and Sabina; b) Prinslander and Konsuragis showed good drought resistance, but Barima and Linda did not; c) Linda, Voran, and Merkur showed resistance to Phytophthora blight, the first-mentioned variety being the most resistant; Bintje was susceptible to the same disease. The varieties Voran, Irene, Prinslander, and Barima were susceptible to early blight; d) Merkur and Konsuragis were the highest yielders in the two planting seasons, but iu plantings made in the rainy season Eigenheimer, Barhna, Coueordia, and Jiitte-Bintje yielded as well as them.

Instituto Agronômico de Campinas Avenida Barão de Itapura, 1481, 13020-902, Tel.: +55 19 2137-0653, Fax: +55 19 2137-0666 - Campinas - SP - Brazil
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