Open-access Auto-incompatibilidade em Coffea Dewevrei de wild. et th. dur.

Pollination studies in Coffea Dewevrei De Wild, et Th. Dur. showed that this species is self-sterile. Several varieties of the group are now under investigation to explain such sterility. Only crosses between certain plants are fertile. Cytological investigation on the pollen and embryo sac development indicated that there is no abnormality that could prevent fertilization. Pollen behaves differently when it is placed on the stigmas of compatible and incompatible plants. Only in the first case does germination occur. All these facts led to the conclusion that self-sterility in Coffea Dewevrei is also of genetic origin, perhaps expressed in the same way as in C. canephora Pierre ex Fröhner. The exact mechanism of this incompatibility is not known yet. The occurrence of empty locules have been recorded in case of several plants of the varieties Abeokutae, Dybowskii, Excelsa, and Dewevrei. These results are presented in this paper.

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