Open-access Tolerance of rice cultivars in seedling stage to different levels of iron in nutrient solution

Seven rice cultivars were studied to iron toxicity using four different levels of this element (0.56; 100; 200 and 400mg/l) in nutrient solution, without aeration, under constant temperature (30±1°C) and pH 4.0. The tolerance of the plants was measured taking into account the mean of the primary root length and the total leaf dry weight of 20 seedlings per treatment solution. The presence of high levels of iron (100; 200 and 400mg/l) in the solutions produced harmfull effects on all rice cultivars studied. The plants showed typical iron toxicity symptom which varied with the degree of tolerance of each cultivar. The rice cultivar Pérola was tolerant to the increasing level of iron in the nutrient solutions, IAC-435 and IR-8 were sensitive and the cultivar IAC-120, IAC-899 and Blue Bonnet were intermediate in relation to iron toxicity. The iron concentration in the leaves of all studied rice cultivars increased when the levels of iron increased in the nutrient solutions. The tolerance to iron toxicity exhibited by the cultivar Pérola seemed to be associated to a lower iron uptake from the treatment solutions compared with the other cultivars under study. The presence of high iron content in the leaves of the studied cultivars showing light and severe symptoms of iron toxicity appeared to be due to a higher or lower ability of tolerating high levels of that element within its tissues and not to a lower iron uptake.

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