Open-access Performance of upland rice to the nitrogen rates after different cover crops in no-till system

The area cropped in no till system has increased very fast and upland rice can be included in rotation system with other crops. Another important aspect is the adequate fertilization and nitrogen is one of nutrients uptake in higher quantity by rice. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the performance of upland rice, IAC 202 cultivar, through combination of covering crops pearl (millet, grain sorghum, corn, pigeon-pea, sun hemp, velvet bean and fallow) and sidedressing nitrogen (zero, 25, 50, 75, 100, and 125 kg ha-1) in Selvíria county, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil, in 2001/2002 and 2002/2003 growth years. The grain sorghum is a good option to provide high dry mass and recovery the soil surface but no for increasing productivity of rice in succession in no till system; the situation is inverse to pigeon pea used as cover crop; the rice productivity, in succession, in no-till system on upland is influenced differently by nitrogen fertilization, in two followed years.

Oryza sativa L.; cover crops; sprinkler irrigation; sidedressing nitrogen

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