Open-access Bamboo as raw material for pulp and paper: V - Studies of dendeocalamus giganteus (wall) munro, D. asper (schult.) backer ex hayne, D. latiflokus munro and D. strictus (roxb) nees, in the production of pulp by the sulphate process

Four bamboo species of Dendrocalamus (D. asper, D. latiflorus, D. giganteus and D. strictus), were studied to determine their feasibility for pulp and paper production by the sulphate process. Data was taken on culm characteristics, as well as basic density and fiber dimensions on sample basis. Five cookings involving the four species were carried out in electrically heated rotary autoclave of 20 litres capacity at 14% of active alkali as Na2O, 25% of sulfidity 1:4 ratio of material to liquor and maximum temperature of 160 ± 2°C during 60 minutes. Unbleached yield and permanganate number of pulps were determined. Handmade sheets with 60 g/s.m. were conditioned at 65% RH and 21ºC and their strenght properties tested. The results indicated that D. giganteus produced 39.10% of unbleached pulp yield and also superior quality for most of the paper strength properties considered on this research.

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