Open-access Effect of the fruit development stage on the quality of 'Patricia' grape seeds

During the maturation of the fruits of 'Patricia' grape (Vitis hybrid), three different development stages can be identified based mainly on the fruit color. Seeds in each of these stages were harvested and stored for different periods of time. Seed quality was analysed before and after storage in order to detect the maximum capacity of germination and the minimum dormancy level. Seed viability was affected by the fruit maturation stage: high-seed viability was obtained from seeds of mature fruits and low-viability from seeds of immature fruits. During storage a reduction of viability was found for all types of analysed seeds; the ones taken from immature fruits were the most affected. A reduction in the dormancy level occurred in seeds taken from mature fruits during storage. Seeds taken from mature and partially mature fruits emerged sooner and developed into a larger number of plantlets with higher dry weight when compared to those from immature fruits independently of being or not stored. In conclusion, in order to obtain high quality grape seeds, with maximun seed viability, it is necessary to wait for the physiological maturity of the fruits before harvesting. This stage can be identified based on the fruit color.

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