Open-access Water use efficiency for rice cultivars under two planting densities

This paper describes the water use efficiency for two rice cultivars IR-665-4-5-5 and IAC-1246, tilled in an Oxisol under two planting densities (0.30 and 0.60m between rows) at the Central Experimental Farm of Campinas. Actual evapotranspiration was determined by the field water balance (BRUNINI, GROHMANN; SANTOS, 4). The results indicated that the cultivar IR-665-4-5-5 with 0.30m between rows had the highest water consumption (about 616mm); but the cultivar IAC-1246 with 0.30m between rows had the highest water use efficiency followed by the cultivar IR-665-4-5-5 with 0.30m between rows. A close relationship was found between actual evapotranspiration and leaf area index for the higher density treatments.

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